How to reset network settings on Android


Reset network settings on Android LED

if you have difficulty connecting to a Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth device on your Android smartphone or tablet, it may be time to reset your network settings. Doing so could remove any conflict. To do it, you will need to follow these steps.

Before starting, an advert. Android fragmentation issues are well known and documented, where even the configuration menu may vary from one device to another. Fortunately, many Android manufacturers now choose to use the Android interface “standard” (or something similar) for your devices instead of customizing them with a custom interface.

If you are not sure what steps to take, follow the steps to “stock” from Android, since they are likely to match (or they are very similar) to what you will see on your device to get the same end result.

Reset network settings on standard Android devices

If you are using a device running Android “stock” (8.1 Oreo or newer), means you are probably using the Android interface issued by Google (or something very similar) and you need to follow the steps below to reset your network settings.

Despite this, Samsung device owners will need to follow the steps in the next section.

To start resetting your network settings, open the settings menu. You can do this by tapping on the application icon “Setting” in your app drawer. Alternatively, swipe down from the top of the screen to see the notification ringtone, then tap the gear icon in the upper right corner.

On the menu “Setting”, tap option “System”.

On the menu "Setting", Touch "System".

Next, select “Reset options” to see the available alternatives to reset your device. You may need to tap Advanced> Reset Options instead, depending on your device.


On the menu “Reset options”, can reset various system settings. To fully reset the network settings, tap option “Restablecer Wi-Fi, mobile and Bluetooth” O “Reset network settings”, depending on your Android version.

On the menu

You must confirm that you want to continue. Touch “Reset settings” to start the procedure.

To begin the network reset process, press option

Provide your PIN, password, fingerprint or other way of lock screen authentication, later touch “Reset settings” again to confirm.


Once this is complete, your Android device's network settings will be reset to default settings, and you need to restart your device to complete the changes. Subsequently, you will need to reconnect to your Wi-Fi or mobile network or reestablish any previous connections to your Bluetooth devices.

Reset network settings on Samsung devices

Although most manufacturers are moving towards Android uniformity with the interface “standard”, Samsung is one of the few manufacturers that continues to use its own interface (most recently called “One UI”) for Android smartphones and tablets.

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If you are trying to reset network settings on a Samsung Android device, start by tapping the app “Setting” in your app drawer. Alternatively, swipe down from the top of the screen to see the notification ringtone, then tap the gear icon.

On the menu “Setting”, tap option “General Administration”.

On the menu

On the menu “General Administration”, select option “Restore” to see the available alternatives to reset your device.


Touch the option “Reset network settings” on the menu “Restore” to move on to the next stage.

Tap the option

Resetting your network settings on Android will erase all previous settings for your Wi-Fi and mobile data connections, as well as any previously connected Bluetooth device.

If you are happy to continue, tap option “Reset settings”.


You may need to confirm your identity with a PIN, password, fingerprint or other form of authentication. Provide this, later touch “Restore” to start the procedure.


Once you have reset your network settings, restart your Samsung phone or tablet. You will need to reconnect to your Wi-Fi or mobile network connections and devices once you are done.

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