How to start the Google Assistant by tapping on the back of your Android device


tap to start Google Assistant

Android devices include some options to start the Google Assistant. Some can be squeezed, others have physical buttons and there are gestures on the screen. It is also possible to start it by touching the back of your device. Here's how to do it.

First, to do this, you will need an app called “Touch, Touch. ” you will need an app called, but it can be easily downloaded on any Android device 7.0+. before continuing, follow our guide to install Tap, Tap and ready to go.

RELATED: How to perform actions by touching the back of your android mobile

Now that you have Tap, Tap configured, we can configure the Google Assistant gesture. Open the app and select “Double tap actions” O “Triple tap actions”. For this guide, we will use Double Tap.

select double tap or triple tap

Next, select the button “Add action” at the bottom of the screen.

tap add action

In the category “Start”, touches “you will need an app called”. This will start the default wizard app. For most people, will be the Google Assistant.

launch assistant

The wizard will now launch when you touch the back of the device. Next, we can add requirements that must be met for the gesture to be executed. As an example, you can set it so that the gesture only runs when the screen is on. Touch “Add requirement”.

tap add requirement

Select one of the requirements from the list.

select a requirement

That is all! Now you can start the Google Assistant by simply tapping on the back of your device.

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