¿Qué son las ubicacionesprecisas” and “aproximadas” in Android?


Android location settings 12.

For a long time, giving an app permission to enter your location meant one thing: your exactly location. Currently, Android offers you two options: “Precise” and “Aproximado”. There is a big difference between the two options.

Google siguió los pasos de Apple con la introducción del acceso a la ubicaciónPrecisa” and “Aproximada” in Android 12. Previously, you could restrict an app to use its location only once or only while using the app, but it was still his exactly location.

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I need front to approximate

The difference between “Precise” and “Aproximadoes bastante evidente. Simply, is the difference between telling someone your postal address and telling them the city you live in.

La ubicaciónprecisautiliza los sensores de su teléfono, mostly GPS, to establish your exact location. In the best case, you can find out where you are up to the meter. La ubicaciónaproximadautiliza Wi-Fi y datos móviles para ubicarlo dentro de los 100 meters.

Technically, this has always been an option on Android, but it was a whole system change. That meant sacrificing the functionality of apps that legitimately need their precise location to restrict everybody Applications. From Android 12, individual apps will allow you to select.

Why does this matter?

Instagram permission request.

Then, ¿cuál es el problema de “Precise” and “Aproximado”, in any case? Stop and think about the apps that use your location. Meteorological applications. Shopping apps. Social media apps. Navigation apps. How many of these need to know their exact location?

Of course, Google Maps needs to know your precise location to help you get around, that makes sense. Do you need a weather application to know your address to tell you the weather in your city? Not really. Does Instagram need it to show you nearby places? No.

There are many situations where a general location is just as useful as an exact postal address.. Ese es el beneficio del permiso de ubicaciónaproximado”. Te posibilita decir “Yes, I live in this area, pero eso es todo lo que deseas saber”.

Will apps support it?

The question with new Android features is always: What apps will truly support it? Applications built for Android are required 12 and above to support the function, but, decidedly, many apps existed long before Android 12.

“Precise” and “Aproximadoestán disponibles para aplicaciones creadas para versiones anteriores de Android, but there are some complications. As an example, puedo configurar el acceso a la ubicación de Instagram enAproximado”, but when i try to use a location based function, me pide que habilite “Precise”. I shouldn't need to do that.

The same happens with a weather application that I use. Me pide que habilite la ubicaciónPrecisa”, pero la aplicación funciona estupendamente bien si seleccionoMantener ubicación aproximada”. As with all the new Android features, there will be a period of adaptation.

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