What is Android Near Share and does it work like AirDrop?


share near android

AirDrop is an Apple function that allows you to transfer photos, Links and more quickly and wirelessly between iPhones, iPads and Macs. Google tiene un producto de la competencia en Android llamadoClose Share. ” Así es como funciona Near Share y cómo se compara con AirDrop.

What is Android Near Share?

Google Play Store offers hundreds of applications that allow you to easily send links, records, photos and other things between devices. Despite this, there has never been a native built-in method to everybody Android devices. Lo más parecido eraAndroid Beam”, but that required the devices to physically touch, and since then Google has abandoned it.

RELATED: Android launches' Share nearby’ for select Google Pixel and Samsung phones

Near Share utiliza Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or NFC to send content. Automatically determines which method is best for the situation when initiating a transfer. Large files are likely to take advantage of a direct Wi-Fi connection, while smaller items can be sent via Bluetooth or NFC. You also have the option to enable mobile data or disable all internet transfers completely.

Data usage options for Close Share on Android

How is Near Share suddenly available on most Android devices? Common thought would be an Android OS firmware update, but it's actually simpler than that. Close Sharing is part of Google Play services, a required component of Android devices that ships with the Google Play Store. Play Services is updated through the Play Store, which makes it much easier for Google to add Near Share to many devices.


To use the nearby share, you should look for a device that is nearby, that has the screen unlocked and that it has activated the location services and Bluetooth. A notification will appear on the receiving device requesting to be visible to the sender. After, sender selects receiving device and turns it off.

As a security measure, the receiver must select to be visible. and accept the transfer every time. This means that you will never receive something without your consent..

Android close share privacy

Near Share also has a series of privacy alternatives. Puede seleccionar recibir contenido de “All contacts” o elegir las personas específicas para las que desea estar disponible. Además es factible hacerse “Hidden”, so it is only visible when the Nearby Share feature is open.

Google made Near Share available to all Android devices 6.0+, starting with Pixel and Samsung devices in august 2020. The feature will also work with Chromebooks, and there are indications that it will reach more platforms through Google Chrome browser.

As mentioned, Near Share works through Google Play Services, so that, although the vast majority of Android devices will get it, there are some who don't.

Does close sharing work like AirDrop?

apple airdrop

Many users are comparing Android Near Share to Apple's AirDrop feature. An AirDrop competitor has been an often requested feature among Android users. ¿Es justo decir que Near Share es “AirDrop para Android”? Although the two services may work slightly differently, have the same purpose.

RELATED: How to instantly share files with AirDrop on iPhone, iPad and Mac

AirDrop works between iPhones, iPads and Mac computers. Use Bluetooth to create a peer-to-peer Wi-Fi network between devices, no internet connection needed. Files sent with AirDrop are encrypted. Near Share will eventually have similar cross-platform support between phones and computers. (possibly even Mac). It can also work without an Internet connection, even though the encryption is unknown at the time of writing this post.

There are some minor technical differences between the Google and Apple approaches, but they offer the same functionality. AirDrop has become a ubiquitous exchange platform among Apple users, but it is not yet known if that will happen with Near Share.

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