Which mobile virtual reality viewer is better?


When it comes to mobile virtual reality, there are two main competitors: Google Daydream View y Samsung Gear VR. If you have a Galaxy phone, you can use either. So which one is better? Turns out it depends on what you are looking for.

Basic concepts: phone price and compatibility

Price is probably the first thing you'll want to look at when trying to figure out which headset to select.. Actually, let's get that out of the way right now.

If you are just looking at the MSRP, Daydream View cuesta $ 99 and Gear VR costs $ 129. Then there is a price difference of $ 30 there. Not terrible, but you can also find both units cheaper in places like Amazon; at this time, Daydream View cuesta $ 80 and Gear VR costs $ 101. That is a smaller price difference, from $ 20, and Gear VR is still the more expensive of the two.

Phone compatibility is another big concern. Gear VR is only compatible with Samsung phones, specifically, the S9 / +, Note 8, S8 / +, S7 / Edge, Note 5, S6 / Edge / Edge + and A8 / +.

Daydream, on the other hand, is compatible with a wider range of phones, so that, evidently, if you don't have a Samsung device, will want to look at the Daydream.

But, since we compare Daydream and Gear VR here, We will only focus on Daydream compatible Samsung devices. The S9 / +, S8 / + y Note 8 they make the cut, but that's all. If you are using an older Galaxy phone, like S7, as an example, then you will want to go with a Gear VR.

Despite this, if you are using an older Galaxy phone 18 months, has an option. And there are three things you really need to consider: comfort, features and content. Hagámoslo.

Comfort: how does it feel tied to the face

Some would say content is king and, In most cases, we are inclined to agree. But when the product is something that clings to the face throughout the time you use it, comfort becomes quite an important factor.

When it comes down to it, both headphones are Gorgeous comfortable. Despite this, the Gear VR has more plastic, more volume and more straps. It's just a bigger headphone.

How could we wait, the Gear VR is also a heavier headset. We weigh both headphones under the same circumstances: no phone, no protective cover on the Gear VR and no controllers. Both headsets were essentially phone ready.

  • Dreamy view: 7.7 ounces
  • Gear VR: 10,9 ounces

That is a three ounce difference between the two, and it doesn't even take into account the weight of a phone. The Galaxy S9, as an example, add others 5.6 ounces to either earphone. That means the Gear VR is a pound tied to your face.. If you use a larger phone, the difference is even greater.

Both headphones have nice padding around the part that softens around the face, which makes them very comfortable to use, but that could change if you wear glasses. That is definitely something that is important to note., because there is much of glasses wearers who should be able to have a good experience with a virtual reality headset.

Left: Dreamy view; Right: Gear VR. Look at that soft and smooth thing.

For me, the Daydream was a much more enjoyable experience with glasses. The Gear VR always felt awkward and like it was pressing my mounts against my face, especially the nose piece. El Daydream, on the other hand, seemed to provide more space between the headphones and my eyes. It felt like this, at least.

The Gear VR has a strap on top that the Daydream does not have, so you feel a little more secure when you use it.

But, the smallest size, the lighter weight and overall softer materials of the Daydream View (the entire exterior of the headset is covered with a soft-touch cloth) makes it easily the more comfortable of the two.

Winner: Daydream View

Characteristics: Which has more bells and whistles?

Both earbuds are face-attached and both come with compatible drivers. But that's where the similarities end, at least when it comes to features and hardware.

The Daydream View is truly just a headset and controller. you must use the controller with the earphone, it just won't work any other way.

The Gear VR, on the other hand, has all the controls you need built into the headset. If you don't want to use the controller, I don't need to; Can touch, play, point and scroll all with the handset. Has home and back buttons. It even has a button at the top that allows you to adjust the focus.. Daydream doesn't have any of those things.

There's really not much else to compare: both headphones do the same and have the same functions. Gear VR offers you more alternatives to do it. If you lose your Daydream controller, guess what? You are screwed. But with Gear VR, you can use it smoothly without the controller; not best for games without the controller, but if all you're trying to do is watch a movie or something, you can just roll with the built-in controls. .

Talking about drivers, both have the same function and are very similar, but there is a key difference. The Daydream controller is rechargeable (via a USB Type-C connection), while the Gear VR controller takes two AAA batteries.

Left: daydream controller; Right: Gear VR controller

There is another little convenience feature. The Daydream View has a small strap inside the phone's “compartment” where you can store the controller.. The Gear VR does not. It's a nice touch that I wish had been replicated on the Gear VR in some way.

What a clean storage solution.

Despite this, when it comes to that, Additional controls on Gear VR headsets outperform Daydream View in feature category.

Winner: Gear VR

Content: get the things you care about

This is where both headphones Really begin to separate from each other. All applications compatible with Daydream View are found in the Play Store (which makes sense), but Gear VR uses the Oculus Store. And the two truly couldn't be more different in terms of what you'll find..

There is no way to make a direct comparison of everything in stores, but if we had to quickly sum it up, here it is. Oculus Store (and, by extension, Gear VR) it's better for games. Play Store (y Daydream View) it's better for movies, images and your own content.

There are games for Daydream, in any case, many of them, actually. They really don't compare in terms of quality. Oculus is a company that has made a name for itself in virtual reality games, so it should come as no surprise that that's where the focus is on Gear VR. There are some very high quality games available here that you won't find on the Play Store, What Gunjack and Gunjack 2, as an example.

To put it in even simpler terms, Daydream is more about fun, exploration and education. Gear VR is more about games. That's as simple and dry as possible when it comes to these two..

Now, everything said, there is one enormous something we should point out about Gear VR: downloaded apps or anything from Play Store not appear in the Oculus launcher. Then, as an example, if you already have some cardboard compatible apps in your library, you will not be able to use them easily on your Gear VR. There is it so There are some workarounds, but we do not count them as a means to enter its content. Workarounds are just that: interim solutions. They may not always work.

It is also important to note that most of the truly popular applications will be available on both platforms. (Netflix VR, Plex Vr, Skybox, etc.) with one quite important exception: YouTube VR. How is a Google application, you won't find it in Gear VR.

Said that, your may use the built-in browser to watch YouTube VR videos on the web. It is a bit disgusting, but it is a solution if you only want to watch YouTube VR videos occasionally.

There is no clear winner here, because it is ultimately quite subjective, it depends on what you are looking for for your virtual reality experience. If it's games, so Gear VR is probably the best option. If it's about everything else, so daydream is not a bad way to go.

Winner: Tie

Maybe he saw it coming, pero ninguno de estos auriculares es necesariamente “better” que el otro; both are very good for different reasons. And what is more important, both are fun. If you are looking to get into virtual reality for little money, you can't go wrong in any way.

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