Why can't I see the recording bar in my Apple Fitness workouts? +?


preview by highlighting the record bar

The Burn Bar is the way Apple Fitness + adds a community aspect to your workouts. Compares your calorie burn to that of other people who have also exercised and tells you how it stacks up. But every now and then you won't see the burned-out bar. What gives?

What the record bar shows

First, let's quickly recap what the record bar actually shows. Compare how many calories you have burned in the last two minutes of your workout (At the end, the average of all training) with people who are approximately the same age, weight and sex (so novices don't compare to elite athletes). A rating is assigned: “Behind the herd”, “In the herd”, “Middle of the herd”, “at the head of the pack” O “At the head of the pack”, according to their performance.

The burn bar takes two minutes to appear

Since the burn bar is based on how hard you have been during the previous two minutes of your workout, does not appear until after you have exercised for two minutes. If you don't see the burn bar at the beginning of a workout, this is probably the reason.

The record bar is only displayed in certain workouts

strength training in fitness +

The burn bar only appears for workouts where the goal is to burn calories. Some workouts, as Force, Yoga and Mindful Cooling, have different objectives. The burn bar will not show up in workouts like these because it is not a good measure of performance.

In a strength training, as an example, your goal is to perform high-quality reps that build muscle, not increasing your heart rate by bouncing. The Burn Bar can't compare your reps to other people's, so Fitness + will not show it.

The burn bar could be off

After your first workout, you have the option to disable the recording bar. If you did it by mistake, or if you deliberately turned off the record bar at any time, it is possible that I should turn it on.

In a workout, tap the metrics icon at the bottom right of the screen.

metrics button highlighted

Tap the switch to the right of “recording bar” to activate it.

toggle highlighted record bar

If the Record Bar option is already enabled on this screen, I probably won't see her for any of the other reasons: you may need to wait two minutes or it may not be important to your current workout.

RELATED: How to turn off the recording bar in Apple Fitness +

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