Google Maps makes it easy to share your location on iPhone


Google maps

With the latest version of Google Maps for iPhone and iPad, you can share your location with friends, get traffic information faster and even enter a dark mode on your iPhone within the popular navigation application.

Google Maps makes it possible to share the location in real time on iPhone

Google revealed that you will be able to share your location live via iMessage, and it seems pretty straightforward to get going. If you are on your way to a friend's house and they wonder where you are, you can share your progress as you go.

To enter this function, you will need to tap the Google Maps button in iMessage. From there, A preview will appear letting you know how long your location will be shared. From there, tap the send button and your friends can track you.

Share location in real time Google Maps

By default, Google will share your location for an hour, but you can share it for up to three days; you only have to increase it manually. If you want to stop sharing your location, there is a button “Stop” que puede tocar en la miniatura.

More new Google Maps features

Google wasn't content to implement a new feature for Maps. Instead, the company also added some useful widgets.

First, the company added a widget that shows you the traffic in your immediate area. Google also added a new Google Maps search widget that allows you to type what you are looking for or touch a button to see nearby restaurants., service stations, your home or your workplace.

Widgets de Google Maps

To use them, you will need to add the google maps widget (here's how to add a widget on iPhone or iPad) to your home screen and then select which one you want to add. (Or you can add both!)

This feature and live location sharing are rolling out now, even though we couldn't enter any of the functions at the time of writing this post.

The latest addition to Google Maps is a dark mode, which is normal for many applications today. This will begin to roll out in the next few weeks., so we will have to wait a little longer to rest our eyes with the relaxing dark aspect of Google Maps.

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