How to create income and expense spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel


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Creating an income and expenses spreadsheet can help you manage your personal finances. This can be a simple spreadsheet that provides information about your accounts and keeps track of your main expenses.. Here's how in Microsoft Excel.

Create a simple list

In this example, we only want to store key information about each expense and income. It doesn't need to be too elaborate. Below is an example of a simple list with some sample data.

Spending and income spreadsheet data sample

Enter column headings for the information you want to store about each expense and form of income along with multiple lines of data as shown above. Think about how you want to keep track of this data and how you will refer to it.

This sample data is a guide. Enter information in a way that is meaningful to you.

Format the list as a table

Formatting the range as a table makes it easier to perform calculations and control the format.

Click anywhere within your data list and then select Insert> Table.

Insert a table in Excel

Highlight the data range in your list that you want to use. Asegúrese de que el rango sea correcto en la ventanaCrear tablay que la casilla “My table has headers” is marked. Click the button “To accept” para crear su tabla.

Specify the range for your table

The list is now in table format. In addition, the default blue format style will be applied.

Range formatted as a table

When more rows are added to the list, the table will automatically expand and format the new rows.

If you want to change the formatting style of the table, select your table, Click the button “table layout” and then on the button “Plus” en la esquina de la galería de estilos de tabla.

The gallery of table styles on the ribbon

This will expand the gallery with a list of styles to select from.

Además puede crear su propio estilo o eliminar el estilo actual haciendo clic en el botón “Remove”.

Delete a table style

Name the table

We will give the table a name so that it is easier to refer to in formulas and other Excel functions.

To do this, haga clic en la tabla y después seleccione el botón “table layout”. From there, ingrese un nombre significativo comoCuentas2020en el cuadro Nombre de la tabla.

Name an Excel table

Add totals for income and expenses

Having your data formatted as a table makes it easy to add total rows for your income and expenses.

Click on the table, select “table layout” y después marque la casillaFila total”.

Total row check box on the ribbon

A total row is added to the end of the table. By default, will perform a calculation in the last column.

On my table, the last column is the expense column, so those values ​​add up.

Click on the cell you want to use to calculate your total in the income column, select the list arrow and then choose the Sum calculation.

Add a total row to the table

Now there are totals for income and expenses.

When you have a new income or expense to add, click and drag the blue resize handle in the lower right corner of the table.

Drag it down the number of rows you want to add.

Expand the table quickly

Enter the new data in the blank rows above the total row. Totals will update automatically.

Row for new income and expense data

Summarize income and expenses by month

It is essential to keep totals for how much money is coming into your account and how much you are spending. Despite this, it is more useful to see these totals grouped by month and see how much you spend on different categories of expenses or different types of expenses.

To find these answers, you can create a pivot table.

Click on the table, select the tab “table layout” y después elijaResumir con tabla dinámica”.

Summarize with a pivot table

The Create PivotTable window will display the table as the data to be used and will place the pivot table in a new worksheet. Click the button “To accept”.

Create a pivot table in Excel

The pivot table appears on the left and a list of fields appears on the right.

This is a quick demo to easily summarize your expenses and income with a pivot table. If you are new to pivot tables, see this detailed post.

To see a breakdown of your expenses and income by month, arrastre la columna “Date” al área “Rows” y las columnas “Entry” and “Departure” al área “Values”.

Please note that your columns may have a different name.

Drag fields to create a pivot table

Field “Date” se agrupa automáticamente en meses. Se suman los camposIn” and “Out”.

Income and expenses grouped by month

In a second pivot table, you can see a summary of your expenses by category.

Haga clic y arrastre el campo “Category” a “Rows” y el campo “Departure” a “Values”.

Total expenses by category

The next pivot table is created that summarizes expenses by category.

second pivot table summarizing expenses by category

Update Pivot Tables of Income and Expenses

When new rows are added to the income and expenses table, select the tab “Data”, click the arrow “Update all” y después elija “Update all” para actualizar ambas tablas dinámicas.

Update all pivot tables

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