Use Hotmail from Microsoft Outlook


If you still use Hotmail but prefer to access your email from a desktop client, You may be interested to know that Microsoft has released a connector that will allow you to send and receive Hotmail or Office Live Mail through Outlook. 2003 O 2007.

This is especially useful for those of us who maintain a Hotmail account but don't like to check it because we don't use it as often..


Make sure Outlook is closed, and then download and install the Conector de Microsoft Office Outlook. Open Outlook and you will immediately be prompted with the settings dialog.

Enter your account details on this screen and then close the dialog. You will be asked to restart Outlook again.

Once you have rebooted, you will see your Hotmail account in the list of email accounts and you can send / receive to download your messages.

If you want to send an email with the hotmail account, you will see a new drop down menu for Account, which will allow you to change the account you are sending the email to.

Hopefully, this will save you some of the hassle of slow loading Hotmail web portal.

Download Microsoft Office Outlook Connector from

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