Fun at work: “Easter Egg” de Microsoft Word


This is not exactly an easter egg, because it is actually documented in the Microsoft knowledge base, but it is one of those characteristics that I did not expect, so it still qualifies.

This should work in any version of Microsoft Word … Just open a new document and then type = rand () in the document:

And then press enter ... voila! Three paragraphs of text will be added instantly …

You can add more than 3 paragraphs or more than 5 sentences per paragraph using the following syntax

= rand (paragraphs, prayers)

As an example, for 6 paragraphs of 20 prayers each, would use:

= rand (6,20)

To update

You can also use = lorem () instead of rand (), with the same syntax if you want to insert the Lorem Ipsum text instead of totally random text. Thanks to Will in the comments for the update!!

Also I added an example of the lorem ipsum generator.


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