How to run Windows File Manager 3 in Windows 10


Back up alert! Microsoft's harvest File manager The program, which originally shipped with Windows 3.0 on 1990, has been adapted to Windows 10 and it is enabled for free at Microsoft. Here's how to get it.

Manage files before File Explorer

In versions of Windows prior to Windows 95, it was necessary to use a special application to copy, move and remove files within Windows itself. In Windows 3.x, this application was called File manager.

File manager running on Windows 3.0

Even after Windows 95 integrate file management functions directly into the Windows shell, creating Windows Explorer—Some staunch fans File Manager is still used because they preferred its concise tree-based interface.

Some of those File Explorer fans are still available today, and three years ago, one of them took Microsoft Open source release of original Windows 3.x code and made it a modern version of File Manager for Windows 10.

File manager running on Windows 10

The modern File Manager interface is just the same as the old version. You can sort files with the buttons on the toolbar, manage drives and directories in various sub-windows and even format disks, but this time it is compatible with Windows de 64 bits, long file names and other modern conveniences.

How to get the classic Windows file manager

File Manager in the Windows Store

Microsoft maintains File Manager as an open source project under the MIT license on GitHub. You can download it on GitHub as a ready-to-run EXE file (Winfile.exe), and is even enabled for free in the Microsoft Store.

It's all the fun of Windows file management 3.0 without MS-DOS baggage. Run it and you'll think it's 1990 again, even if you weren't there the first time. Have fun!

RELATED: Windows 3.0 Meets 30 years: this is what made it special

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