How to use Spotify offline on Windows PC or Mac 10


Spotify logo offline

Music streaming services offer a huge music library, but only if you have an internet connection. Despite this, Spotify can download music for offline listening. Next, We show you how to disconnect your music on Windows PC and Mac.

What you will need

You must be a Spotify Premium subscriber to download music for offline playback.

At the same time, unlike mobile apps, Spotify for desktop only supports downloading of playlists. The playlist must be saved to your library first.

How to disconnect in Spotify for Windows and Mac

To start, open the Spotify desktop app to Windows 10 O Mac. You will first need to choose a playlist to download.

select a playlist to download

Next, the playlist needs to be added to your library. Toca el ícono de menú de tres puntos y seleccionaGuardar en tu biblioteca”.

save the playlist to your library

Once you add it to your library, aparecerá el botón “Descargar”. Select it to start downloading the playlist.

toggle dump switch

La aplicación Spotify dirá “Downloading …” mientras la descarga de la lista de reproducción está en curso. When it's over, el interruptor diráDescargado”.

download completed

Now, when your computer has no internet connection, this playlist will be available to play.

How to put Spotify in offline mode

Si desea poner Spotify manualmente enModo sin conexión”, you can also do it.

In Windows, haga clic en el ícono de menú de tres puntos en la esquina superior izquierda.

Select File> Modo sin conexión.

Modo sin conexión” width=”500″ height=”236″ onload=”pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);” onerror=this.onerror=null;pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon(this);”>

On a mac, select “Spotify” in the menu bar.

haga clic en Spotify en la barra de menú

Click on “Modo sin conexiónpara que Spotify se desconecte.

seleccionar el modo fuera de línea

That's all about it. Again, it's a bit cumbersome that this only works with playlists added to your library. If you want to download a single album, you can put it on a specific playlist. The next time you run out of Wi-Fi, you can still enjoy some songs.

RELATED: How to Add Custom Covers to Spotify Playlists

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