The Windows taskbar 11 will not be finished before launch


The taskbar on a Windows laptop 11.

Windows 11 looks pretty classy, but her beauty is sometimes only superficial. Grab the new taskbar, as an example: drag and drop and other important functions are missing. Microsoft still seems to be working on the taskbar, but it will be shipped with missing functions.

This taskbar was not intended for most Windows desktop computers

Usually, the taskbar looks pretty good. But there is a serious obstacle: not originally designed for typical Windows laptops and desktops. This taskbar was originally part of Windows 10X, an operating system designed for dual-screen devices, one that Microsoft never released.

Then, when you ask why the taskbar lacks a certain feature, not that Microsoft necessarily remote that particular feature. It's that Microsoft created a new taskbar and hasn't added all the old features yet. Maybe it was too much work to finish them on time.

Drag and drop is not done yet

In Windows 10 and earlier versions of Windows, the taskbar makes it possible to drag and drop files onto the application icons. Graphic designers often use this feature to open image files directly in Photoshop and other image-editing applications., as an example.

In Windows 11, no longer need to drag and drop files or anything else onto taskbar icons. If you try, you will see a red crossed-out circle indicating that a particular action is not supported.

You can still drag and drop a file into another application by dragging and holding it, and then pressing Alt + Tab o Windows + Tab and switching to the application window. Despite this, the taskbar no longer helps.

Drag and drop the glitch to the Windows taskbar 11.

Then, Why is this not working? Did Microsoft make the decision that this feature is bad and should be removed? No, according Latest Windows, Microsoft is experimenting with adding this feature to the Windows taskbar 11 on Windows Insider builds 11. Despite this, this feature will not be ready for the Windows release date 11 of the 5 October 2021 and you will probably have to wait until the first major Windows update 11. months later.

You still can't move the taskbar

Another power user feature removed from the taskbar is the ability to move it to any edge of the screen. It is now glued to the bottom of the screen and you cannot have it on the left edge, top or right instead.

It's a shame because even Chrome OS and macOS allow you to move their counterparts from the taskbar (shelf and base) to another edge of the screen if you want. Windows desktop should be at least as flexible as Chrome OS.

We could try to guess a good reason why Microsoft removed this feature, but we think it just wasn't added to the new taskbar in time. We wouldn't be surprised to see it return in a future update.; we can only hope it does.

The taskbar should improve, do not get worse

These may seem silly, but Windows should get better and more flexible.

Many Windows users will upgrade only to find that they can no longer use their drag and drop workflow.

People who have used the taskbar on the left for the last 20 years will be surprised to see that this option was also eliminated.

Windows is supposed to be a powerful and flexible operating system. It is a pity that, at a time when Apple is making drag and drop more powerful on iPhones, Microsoft make it less usable on Windows.

RELATED: How to drag and drop photos and text between iPhone apps

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